Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A New Me (In Living Color)!

I first attempted to paint this in Photoshop, but it didn't give me the look I desired. I wanted something a little more clean than my digital painting skills could present, so I attacked it again in Illustrator, and am much more happy with this version. This piece has a lot more gradients than I usually use, but was a good exercise in trying a new look. I think the penguin ended up a bit like a shiny Mac icon.

I appreciate every single person that has dropped by and left a comment! Much to my dismay, when I switched to the new Blogger, some comments were changed to anonymous. I know that all of them from the brilliant Sarah Mensinga were replaced so here is a link to make up for that. Thank you again, it's truly awesome to hear from all you very talented individuals!


sarah said...

Thanks Tony! I like the way this Penguin looks, it's all nice and clean :)

That happened to me too when I switched to the new blogger. I shake my fist at you no-longer-beta blogger!

cristian said...

Awesome designs all around, sir!! Your work is really amazing.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!!

Unknown said...

It turned out pretty sucessful.

Unknown said...

CUTE CUTE Penguin!! He looks like a good twin of the Evil Penguin from Wallace and Gromit. :) Love your character!

Unknown said...

cool penguin. the fact that it's so clean suits well.

Anne Viel said...

Hi! I really appreciate this new avatar! What a funny, but very concentrated penguin! i enjoy your other works too !