Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Work Harder

At the beginning of this year I signed up with the Classical Art Online atelier program.  It's been tough juggling assignments with work and other projects but I have been making good, albeit slow, progress. The nice part is that you can work at your own pace, and this has given me time to (hopefully) better absorb the concepts. Check out work by founder Jon Hardesty and my instructor Aaron Reid.

Below are my first two assignments, copies of the famous Charles Bargue plates (read more about Bargue drawings here and pick up the book here).

Bargue 2:

Bargue 1:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frank Frazetta

I have learned today that my favorite artist, Frank Frazetta, has passed away. I have always been a fan of his work but only been in recent years, as I have tried to improve my own artistic prowess, that I have realized the depth of skill inherent in this great's work. He is quite arguable the single greatest illustrator to have ever lived, and by that line one of the single greatest artists of all time. The more I study his work, the more I am impressed. And the more I learn about the man himself, the more I admire him.

Frank you will be sorely missed, but your work will stand the test of time.